Let your talent shine!
Talent Development
Prepare The workforce of today with the Skills for tomorrow and give employees the skills that they need to boost organizational performance and achieve your strategic objectives through talent development. In a healthy organization, the work team is one of the most valuable and integral assets that bolster the organization’s growth and success, investing in their skills and honing their talents could pay great dividends and be the difference between stellar success and abject failure.
Enhance People’s Capabilities through Talent Development
Competency Gap Analysis
Organize Training Courses to boost Talent Development
Personal and Financial Profile
Kayan Self-Service portal gives the employees access to their personal and financial information and the ability to request to amend them.
Training Calendar and Dashboards
View the training programs calendar throughout the month and get cost insights of courses as well as assess their effectiveness and viability as well as their impact on your operation’s workflow on the short - and long- term basis.
Automated Feedback with Training Surveys
Collect feedback from participants regarding the training they have undergone. Use training surveys to measure the effectiveness of their training and talent development programs and determine what changes can be made to improve the programs, who from your team should be attending them and when.